Week Two - Tuesday, December 3

Chocolate Bar Money can be returned to the office right after announcements.

Tigers in Tune – There will be a Tigers in Tune rehearsal today at 3 pm in the music room. Please make every effort to attend. 

Reach for the Top – The Reach for the Top Club will go ahead today at noon for Grade 8 and 9 students. We will meet in the science lab in House 7 – please bring your lunch.

Girls Get WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Challenge Day will take place this Saturday, December 7, 2024, 8:30 - 4:30 pm. Girls Get WISE Challenge Day will cover the topics of science, engineering, math, and technology for female-identifying and gender-diverse individuals in grades K-12 with age groupings of grades K-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12.
The goal is to expose participants to hands-on science activities and careers so that they can make informed decisions about subject choices in future school years. They will participate in hands-on science, technology, and engineering activities led by female faculty and staff from UPEI and STEAM PEI staff. The event is a collaboration between Girl Guides, STEAM PEI, and UPEI with financial support from the Fund for Gender Equity, Actua, WISEatlantic, CISE Atlantic, and Engineers PEI. Students can register at https://steampei.jumbula.com/Fall2024/GirlsGetWise . There is no cost for this event, and lunch is provided.

Basketball – The AA basketball teams host Birchwood today.  Girls play at 4:00 and boys at 5:30. 
Could the minor officials working today pop by and see Mr. Bridges?