Basketball – Our Girls A team will practice today from 3:00 to 4:30. If you are unable to attend, please let Mr. Bradley know. Go Tigers!
Gym – There is a Just Dance party in the gym starting at 12:05 today. Soccer in the gym Tuesday at lunchtime.
Could Aria see Mr. Bridges at morning break.
Gymnastics – The Stonepark Gymnastics team will be starting after the holidays. Any students, boys and girls, who are interested are asked to sign up on the sheet posted by the gym. There will be an information meeting at morning break on Tuesday in Mme Duval's room.
Food Drive – unfortunately, we did end up losing to East Wiltshire in the Food Drive; however, it was really a win for the community because together we raised over 7000 items for the Food Bank this holiday season, which is amazing. Thanks to everyone who donated!
Spirit Week – today is Christmas socks and hats day! Tomorrow will be the grade level colour battle with grade 7s in white, 8s in green, and 9s in red, so make sure you wear your grade’s colour.