We Slide Wednesdays with Ms. Lavoie - On Wednesdays ONLY, If you are bundled up with snowpants and snow gear, you can slide on your bums during the lunch time break. No sleds will be allowed and you must have snow gear on.
Gymnastics – After the cancellation yesterday, here is the new plan for gymnastics: Today, practice after school from 3-4 in the cafeteria. The zone meet has been rescheduled for Wednesday afternoon at Birchwood. Please see Mme Duval for your t-shirt and let her know if you don't have a ride.
Girls “A” Basketball - Our Tigers will be competing in a tournament at Queen Charlotte this weekend. There will be a brief meeting in the gym at morning break. Good luck, Tigers!
Lost and Found – please take a look to see if any of the items on the table in the lobby are yours – it has been there all week and will disappear after lunch.
Reach for the Top – Grade 7s will go ahead at lunch time today since they missed it yesterday when school was cancelled.