Week One - Tuesday, February 4

Today is the first day of Second Semester. Career Tech classes are changing, some Social Studies/Science classes are switching. Make sure you check your schedule and head to the right classes today!

We Slide Wednesdays with Ms. Lavoie will be happening tomorrow. If you want to slide at lunch time, please make sure you have snow pants. No sleds allowed, just sliding on your bottom.

Ski/Snowboard Club – Last week’s trip to Brookvale has been re-scheduled to this Wednesday February 5th. Please confirm with Ms. Horrelt that you are going. If you can’t go, see Ms. Horrelt for your refund.

Library – there will be tutoring this week, sorry to anyone who came last week and didn't know it was canceled.

Minor Officials – Basketball minor officials meeting today at morning break in the gym.  

Basketball – The Girls A team finished the tournament at Queen Charlotte with a 1 and 2 record including an exciting 15-14 victory over Birchwood. We will host Birchwood today at 4:00, and all payers are asked to be in the gym by 3:20. The A Boys play 5:30. 

The AA teams travel to QC today.  AA Girls play at 4:00 followed by the AA Boys at 5:30.  

Green Team – There will be a Green Team meeting today during morning break in the classroom in the wellness room.

Band – There will be a quick meeting for all Honour Band students during morning break today, in the band room. 

Gymnastics – The rescheduled Zone 3 Championships for gymnastics will take place at Birchwood tomorrow afternoon.  The team will meet in the lobby after lunch.
Stonepark will be hosting Provincial Championships this weekend.  Anyone, staff or student who would like to help with the meet please see Mme Duval.  The meet runs Friday after school and Saturday.

Reach for the Top –Grade 8/9s will play today at lunch time in the grade 7 science lab.

Lunch Time Basketball - Grade 8/9 league today!