Week One - Thursday, November 14

Staff are asked to stop by the office to sign the November 1, 7 and 8 PD sign in forms.

Reminder to students that the temperature outside is dropping. Please make sure you bring appropriate clothing to school – coat, hat, mitts, etc. Once students are outside for lunch, they need to stay outside. So dress accordingly!!

Fundraiser – The deadline for ADL cheese orders was yesterday. If there are any Grade 9 students with anything left to hand in, please bring it to Sarah in the office. 

Reach for the Top - Grade 7 students will play today at lunch time in Room 330. Grade 8 and 9’s will be on Tuesday!

Yearbook – The Thursday crew of the yearbook group will meet after school today in the library. The session will end at 4:30.

Knits and Stitches Club - Today after school, we will be doing a crash course on how to use sewing machines from 3:00 to 4:30.

Tigers in Tune – Meeting today at 3:00 in the band room in preparation for the Christmas concert.

Basketball – The A boys basketball tryout will be split up tonight.  4:30-5:15 will be grade 7's and 5:45-6 will be grade 8/9.  Please remember to enter through the side door and take off your shoes before going to the boys changing room.

The final tryout for Girls “A” Basketball will be today from 3:00 to 4:30. All girls are welcomed, even if you missed the first tryout. If you can’t make it, please see Mr. Bradley at morning break.  

Gym Reminder - All outdoor shoes must be off before students enter the gym.  

Open gym at lunchtime today for grade 7's and 9's.  Friday will be grade 7's and grade 8's.  

The following fall athletes uniforms have not been returned. Please bring it in ASAP. 
Abby MacKinnon-Molyneaux, Ava Murray, Jaylyn Trainor, Madelyn Arnold, Stella Myers, Camilla Rincon, Dax Conohan, Layton Douglas, Aria Perry, Finn McGuigan, Emily MacBeath, Max McGarry, Havih Raj, Robert MacDonald, JT Tse, Christian Covey, Winston Zhang, Kaiden Joyce