Reach for the Top – Grade 7 today at lunch time in the grade 7 science lab.
Tigers in Tune – After-school practice for Tigers in Tune today after school has been canceled. No Practice today.
Mr Coleman is “profoundly sorry” for this, but he would like you to know that the Pizza Lunch is on for Friday at noon (12:00) in his classroom.
Green Team – The multi purpose room will be open today at lunch to sort batteries! Please bring your green shirts with you.
Basketball - Our Girls A team will host Souris today at 6:00. All players should be in the gym no later than 5:30. Good luck Tigers!
Knits and Stitches – today after school from 3-4:30. We are making a quilt using Acadian colours. It is our group project for the rest of the year, using a variety of styles and textile techniques to create a beautiful collage of art and culture.
It is never too late to join! If you have signed up in the past and are interested in this project, come on up to Mr. Beck’s room to participate after school today!
Ski/Snowboard Club – We are making another trip to Brookvale on Wednesday January 29th. Permission forms and rental forms can be picked up from Ms. Horrelt (lower floor House 7). In order to confirm your spot on the bus, the $5 bus fee needs to be paid in advance of the trip to Ms. Horrelt.
For more details, please check the school website, under the Extra-Curricular menu.